Wednesday, November 5

teh pro job

so for our united way campaign this year, i felt compelled to donate more than the usual per paycheck amount. the company always has a big united way week where we try to give some amount. this year the buy-in was set at $50k. so i decided to go against the grain and donate my time and my l337 sk1llz and offer up 3 hand wash and wax jobs. i expected them to go for $20 each, if they even sold at all. 2 of teh 3 sold. and they went for $50 each. so that was kinda exciting. i raised more money than the dunk tank! so that proves i rock. anyway, i used to be this detailer guy and was gonna go all out and be detailer fo life yo (as i usually do with everything) but things changed and i stopped detailing. but i still got all my equipment...and product--from 1998. so most of my product has seen more season changes than i've seen dirty diapers, but let me tell you...give 'em a good shake, and viola presto--10 year old product still works! So if you hood looks like the hood above, you need wax (i wouldn't recomend 10 yr old wax though...use fresh stuff that hasn't frozen...other wise you may waste your time). that volvo was a 2002 with paint in very good condition, but no wax. water should not look like that on your car. it should bead up and roll off of your hood. anyway, my favorite things to do are tires, rims, and windows. customers immediately tell a difference when they walk up to their car. the tires look freshly bought--and not all slimy from some wet look tire finish that will grab every dust particle it can find and make your tires look gross after a couple days. the rims glow. these shots aren't photoshopped, the rims look that good. lastly, windows. ugh. ok, they suck. nobody NOBODY likes doing windows. they are a pain. you stretch, strain, sweat. it just isn't easy. you keep telling yourself that there has to be a better way to do this. well, there isn't. you just got to bite the bullet. i will give you a secret. i use a towel--perferably not fabric softened. i fold it up, use one side for scrubbing, the other for the final dry. so back to my story, in the end, i felt good, and i got to enjoy some quality time with a coworker, and relive some of my glory days as a pro detailer.