Friday, March 16


"If I Were The Devil"
I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the world;

I would delude their minds into thinking that they had come from man's effort, instead of God's blessings;

I would promote an attitude of loving things and using people, instead of the other way around;

I would dupe entire states into relying on gambling for their state revenue;

I would convince people that character is not an issue when it comes to leadership;

I would make it legal to take the life of unborn babies;

I would make it socially acceptable to take one's own life, and invent machines to make it convenient;

I would cheapen human life as much as possible so that life of animals are valued more than human beings;

I would take God out of the schools, where even the mention of His name was grounds for a lawsuit;

I would come up with drugs that sedate the mind and target the young, and I would get sports heroes to advertise them;

I would get control of the media, so that every night I could pollute the minds of every family member for my agenda;

I would attack then family, the backbone of any nation. I would make divorce acceptable and easy, even fashionable. If the family crumbles, so does the nation;

I would compel people to express their most depraved fantasies on canvas and movies screens, and I would call it art;

I would convince the world that people are born homosexuals, and that their lifestyles should be accepted and marveled;

I would convince the people that right and wrong are determined by a few who call themselves authorities and refer to their agendas as politically correct;

I would persuade people that the church is irrelevant and out of date, the Bible is for the naive:

I would dull the minds of Christians, and make them believe that prayer is not important, and that faithfulness and obedience are optional;


A piece of prose about the state of man and the world, written by Paul Harvey

powerful stuff. this is the world we live in. that is why the choices we make, the opportunities that we grab hold of... must be of AND for Him. if we focus on Him, he will be all that we need.

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Wednesday, March 14


i found this article about my favorite insect, the cicada. later this year you will be hearing his beautiful music. but dont think he is calling all you women! he is calling female cicadas. they will be mating, of coarse. sickening.

i remember 17 years ago being at a farmhouse with those big ol bugs everywhere. i was scared of em then. but now i know ju-jitz-sue. plus i will be carrying my pump shottie. this dude is being attacked by the rampant cicada. see the fear in his face as his eye is being mutilated by its huge teeth!! THE HORROR! during the attack later this year, you may see me walking down your street, boom stick in hand. my motto: "you cicada scum will not take over my city. not on my watch."

this is a larva gestating from a tadpole thing to a cicada. beware, when eaten, they are fresh and chewy.

found this article somewhere on the web...

There are two types of cicadas commonly found in large numbers in Illinois. Dogday, or annual, cicadas emerge every year. Periodical cicadas emerge every 13 years in the southern half of the state and every 17 years in the northern half.

A cycle of cicada emergence is due this spring in northeastern Illinois.

"Cicadas are sometimes mistakenly called locusts," said Schuster. "In actuality, they are not related to locusts at all but are grasshoppers. The male cicadas 'sing' during the day to attract females."

Cicadas inflict some damage to trees in the egg-laying process, and homeowners are sometimes concerned about the insects.

"The damage done to an established tree by the cicadas is not significant enough to justify trying to control the insect," said Schuster. "Let nature take its course. However, it is suggested that new trees not be planted until fall to avoid cicada damage to their trunks."

Nature provides a number of predators that feed on cicadas, including birds and the cicada killer -- a large wasp that catches the cicada, stings and paralyzes it, and drags it back to its chamber.

this is the natural cicada killer!

this is MY cicada killer!
(Benelli M3 Super 90=friggin cicada pwnage!)

"The northern Illinois brood, which will emerge in late May 2007, has a reputation for the largest emergence of cicadas known anywhere," said Schuster. "During the 1956 emergence, they counted an average of 311 nymphal emergence holes per square yard of ground in a forested floodplain near Chicago. This translates to one and a half million cicadas per acre. In upland sites, they recorded 27 emergence holes per square yard, translating to about 133,000 per acre. This number is more typical of emergence numbers but is still a tremendous number of insects."
"When the cicadas start dying and dropping from the trees later in the spring, there are large numbers on the ground, and the odor from their rotting bodies is noticeable," he said. "In 1990, there were reports from people in Chicago having to use snow shovels to clear their sidewalks of the dead cicadas."

btw, there is speculation that cicadas will morph into human cicadas..aka hum-adas. this simply is not true.

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Sunday, March 11

olden days

i got to recall a lot of my past growing up yesterday as we drove in the car listening to the 80's. i sat and it felt good to recall those old memories. then it got sad. all the time and effort i wasted. i really liked school. i loved to learn. but i hated to put the time into homework. as a result, i got lame grades. just enough to pass. i really regret that. i sat in a slum for quite a while thinking about how much i have let slip. i put my pout face on and sat there.
wake up! i am here and now. the past is the past! what i did then made me who i am today. i could have should have whatever dont mean jack today. i cant change it. anyway, God has used my past for good. how great to be where i am right now, in the midst of God's glory. resting in his arms. i cant wait to see where today brings me. today could be a marked day.
last sunday a pastor talked about peter walking on water. but he didnt wake up and say, hmm, i think i will walk on water today. in the midst of the wind, and Christ, out on the water, peter didn't say to mommy, 'how does the story end?' he lived it. he had to trust God. he had to step out on the water himself. it wasnt a story to him. it was a marked day.
today, i live for God.
today, i trust God.
today, i love God.