Friday, March 23


NPT (ninja public television) presents Hideys Disease!

"he may not have a lower jaw but he sure can hit those sweet high notes."

bar fight

wow. if you saw some dude (cop or not) in a chicago bar beating a female bartender, what would you do?

Thursday, March 22

math problem

my boy doesnt like math. so when i say, 'boy! go get your math book.', his shoulders slump and he slugs down the stairs and retrieves his book. then we get to work for a half hour to an hour. he tries hard, though. and i love the experience. it gives us an opportunity to work through tough problems, and tough attitudes. my boy finds that sometimes problems get overwhelming, but i stick through it and tell him that i am here to get through it with him. math is tough because you have to remember which way the numbers go (is that a 3 or an E i ask him), and the plus sign is not a minus sign or an equal sign.

he is really growing. and it was through this time together that me and him truly bonded. this is good for me because our only interaction prior to math was lifting him over my head. ugh. or scolding him. i found this doesnt work. so math gives us our quality time to work out life together. well, math, and playdoe. i pwn at playdoe.

my boy turns to me and says to me the other day, "dad, i dont like math. but i like math with you." i was all smiles. next thing i know andrea is on this tangent about teaching him reading. shes just jealous. but shh. dont tell her i told you.

Wednesday, March 21


Vince Lombardi:

Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.

none of us are smarter than all of us. my big boss says that. he is a great leader. i respect him. not because of his position, but because he cares about what my thoughts are. he believes in me. i am more committed because of his leadership. team work is everything. relationships with others, no matter what we are doing, matter most. when we work together, even when all for loss, we win. together we can get back up. together we can reposition ourselves. together we can fight for each other. a strand of three is not easily broken!

Tuesday, March 20

It starts from within

HH the Dalai Lama said:

Responsibility does not only lie with the leaders of our countries or with those who have been appointed or elected to do a particular job. It lies with each of us individually. Peace starts within each one of us. When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us.

Big words from a small guy. but he gets it. i dont know if our church gets it. and i dont even know how this church mess all got started, but something tells me it has to do with looking at ourselves from within. the blistering, hidden sin from within us allows us to go out and attack others for similar reasons. remove thine own plank, Christ said, before trying to remove their spec. we attack others and we dont even look at ourselves. now a church full of people are getting emails chalk full of claims and unknown truths. the mess that was started is now being kept alive by those who want to see it end.
who all started this? who cares! who is gonna finish it? im not sure. all i know is that it takes peace, and forgiveness. the damage has been done. there is no going back (praise God). it is time for our church to grow up, to man up, to take peace into their heart and forgive those who have sinned. at the same time, let us be responsible for our actions, because our church needs forgiveness for all the hatred and ill willed intention that has crossed our heart.
then, and only then, will we find peace.

Monday, March 19

are you sitting back?

"All that is necessary for the forces of evil to triumph
is for enough good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke

Sunday, March 18

i think the rain is starting to clear up.

well. today ends. im sad. its more of a compounded issue. y'all knowing what the first issue is, so ill tell you about the second. one of the comments that i heard today caught me off guard. the comment was said to my son from someone that i have prayed about for the past month. to that person, i would have answered, "blah blah blah rit it dit dit ta da phsssshhhh" *edited because i should*. man do i wish i was there. i always miss the good stuff.

here is the deal. i will protect those i care about. i always have. i always will. its game on. i will be bulking up on God's Word, raising my elevation so that i might hit the enemy dead in the kill zone...aka HEADSHOT!

moving on. tomorrow is nearing. my joy comes in the morning. to those that are hurt, have comfort in the Lord. say a prayer in your moments of emotion seeking His hand to comfort you. i look forward to tomorrow and the blessings He has set apart for you. and know that i got your back.