Thursday, October 2

my boy oh boy

mind if i brag a min? my boy has been on fire lately. zero (x3r0) discipline. he has been respectful, listenful, pay-attentionful, good-boyful, good-attitudeful, etcful. i am so proud of him. i had a discussion with my coworker regarding caleb about how it seems that all the stuff that i started working with him on in our townhouse way back in 2005 is finally starting to come around. i mean, its like he is actually trying, if not forcing himself to have a happy heart all the time. he is extra respectful lately. it all started when school started this year. at that time mommy also instituted curfew law. so, either school is helping this somehow, or he really is digging his sleep. he is waking up on his own, so he is getting plenty of sleep. maybe thats what he needed. it sure feels good to come home to a boy who is excited to see you. it hasn't always been like this. we have had some periods of ruff spots. haha--i just thought of something that kind of brought our relationship out of the rocks. earlier this year, as in the whole year up until 3 months ago, we were on the outs. bad attitudes, no listening, disrespect, just a bad deal. enter the ps3. i had downloaded some demo's and allowed caleb to finally play the system. it seemed as if caleb felt allowed to be a part of my life. up until then, he hated rockband. today, he says, 'so dad, you want to play rockband? i'll watch.' its so funny. then i tell him i would rather watch him play one of the demo's, and he says, 'hmm ok.' all serious like. but totally respectful. funny thing is he only plays like a couple days a month, but he totally digs it and it totally helped our relationship. maybe i should email sony. let them know that its a relationship builder.
anyway, love my boy. he comes home today and lets me know he is student of the week. not sure why. he usually comes home and tells me that he got a star at school, and when i ask him what he did well, he shrugs his shoulders and says he doesn't remember. i laugh because you think that you'd remember what you did well so that you could reproduce the result. but not my boy. he got the star and thats all that matters. so, back to student of the week. i guess there is work assigned with it. and it isn't easy. it involves filling in the blanks and family pics and cutouts and stuff. but he came home and got on it on his own. already has 3 of the 7 worksheets done. then he did his homework. he is really impressing me. i am so proud of my boy. he is working hard, and doing it with a great attitude. my boy good at school. must have his mothers brains, and his fathers fiendishly good looks.